Easy formula: how to write an effective GPT-3 prompt (Examples)

GPT-3 prompts are a powerful tool for digital marketers and small business owners to use in order to get the most out of their content. GPT-3 app stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, and it is an artificial intelligence system that can generate human language from simple input.

By providing a prompt or starting point, this openAI can help create highly customized content quickly – perfect for businesses who need a unique copy but don’t have time or resources to write everything by hand. Using GPT-3 prompts, you can significantly enhance your online presence without spending a lot of time. Simply paste prompts into the playground so you can play with it.

In this blog post we will discuss what exactly GPT-3 prompts are, how you should go about writing good ones yourself, tips on using them effectively as well as some examples of great gpt 3 prompts along with tools that make creating new ones easier than ever before.

What are GPT-3 prompts?

GPT-3 prompts are instructions given to a natural language processing system, such as OpenAI’s GPT-3. Prompts provide the AI with context and help it generate human-like text from a given prompt.

A prompt can be anything from a single word or phrase to an entire paragraph of text. The more information you give the AI in your prompt, the better its output will be. For example, if you give GPT-3 the prompt “I want to buy a car”, it might generate something like: “There are many different types of cars available on the market today. You should consider what type of car best suits your needs and budget before making any decisions.”

When writing good prompts for GPT-3, it is important to keep them concise yet descriptive enough that they provide enough context for GPT-3 to work with. A good rule of thumb is that shorter prompts tend to yield better results than longer ones because they leave more room for creativity on behalf of the AI model itself. Additionally, using specific words or phrases can also help narrow down potential outcomes and make sure that GPT-3 produces content relevant to your desired topic area.

GPT-3 prompts are an effective way to quickly generate content, making them a valuable tool for small business owners and digital marketers. Now let’s look at how you can write good prompts for GPT-3 in order to maximize their potential.

Universal formula for creating effective prompts

 It’s something you can start with and build on it.

Train the model

Input information and ask what you as an output.

Example: [paste the full article text] ask gpt-3 to summarize the articles for 5 bullet points 

Give Context

Be as much detailed as you can be: [Action] [What] [Details]

Example: Write 10 Tweets for the last marketing trends for e-commerce 

Act as…

Frame the bot’s knowledge: Act as [profession/role/position]. Give details for the task.

Example: You are the head of a digital marketing team. Write 100 words intro for weekly mail about marketing trends, and inspire a team. 

Voice and Style Guide

Set the tone of voice of the output. Give details to the task [Voice and style guide with description].

Example: write 500 words blogpost about mail marketing. Voice and style: use a professional and informative tone. Use industry-specific terminology. 

ChatGPT Chrome Extensions 

They allow you to quickly generate text based on your input, without having to write it yourself. This makes them an invaluable resource for digital marketers and small business owners who need to create content quickly and efficiently.

AIPRM (AI Prompt Manager) 

With just one click, you can access a curated selection of ChatGPT prompts designed explicitly for a list of curated prompt templates for SEO, SaaS, Marketing, and more ChatGPT.

How to improve prompts for GPT-3?

They can be used to create content that is both engaging and informative, helping you reach your target audience more effectively. Writing good GPT-3 prompts requires some thought and planning, but the rewards can be great. Here are some tips on how to write effective GPT-3 prompts:

1. Start with a Clear Goal

Before writing any prompt, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind of what you want the output to accomplish. Are you trying to generate leads? Increase engagement? Or provide valuable information? Knowing this will help ensure that your prompt is focused and relevant.

2. Keep It Simple

When writing GPT-3 prompts, try not to get too complicated or technical with language or concepts – keep it simple so that anyone reading it understands what you’re asking them to do or think about.

3. Use Keywords Strategically

Using keywords strategically throughout your prompt helps make sure that the output generated by GPT-3 is relevant and useful for readers who may be searching for specific topics related to your industry or product/service offering(s).

Make it actionable by including an “ask” at the end – something like “What do you think?” or “Share your thoughts below.” This encourages readers to engage with the content they just read, increasing their chances of taking further action (such as signing up for an email list).

Once you have written out several different versions of a prompt, it is important to test them out first before publishing anything live on social media platforms or other websites/blogs where people might see them. This way, any issues with grammar, spelling etc. can be corrected before going public and ensuring that the output generated by GPT-3 is relevant and useful for readers who may be searching for specific topics related to your industry or product/service offering(s).

Writing good prompts for GPT-3 requires careful consideration of the desired output and specific instructions to help guide it. By following these tips, you can create effective GPT-3 prompts that will yield the best results. Let’s now take a look at four tips for using GPT 3 prompts.

Tips for Using GPT 3 Prompts

They can be used to create articles, blog posts, social media posts, and more. To get the most out of GPT 3 prompts, it’s important to understand how they work and how to write good ones.

When writing GPT 3 prompts, you should always provide clear instructions on what type of content you want generated. For example, if you want an article about digital marketing strategies for small business owners, your prompt should include specific keywords related to that topic such as “digital marketing” or “small business owners”. Additionally, make sure your prompt is concise so that the AI understands exactly what type of content you need generated.

It’s also important to review the generated content before publishing it in order to ensure accuracy and quality control. This will help ensure that the final product meets your expectations and provides value for readers.

Additionally, experiment with different types of prompts in order to find the best results for your needs – this could involve trying different topics or using different keyword combinations within each prompt.

Finally, there are several tools available online which can help you generate GPT 3 prompts quickly and easily. These include Prompt Generator Tools which allow users to input their desired parameters (such as length or subject matter) into a form, which then generates customised GPT 3 prompts based on those parameters automatically. These tools can save time when creating multiple GPT 3 prompts at once since they eliminate manual entry errors while still providing accurate results every time.

GPT 3 prompts can be a powerful tool to help you create effective content for your business. By understanding how to use them effectively, you can create compelling and engaging content that will capture the attention of your audience. Let’s take a look at some examples of GPT 3 prompts so we can better understand how they work.

Tips For Using GPT 3 Prompts

When using GPT 3 prompts there are several tips which can help ensure successful outcomes:

  • Use precise language when crafting your prompt – this will help ensure accuracy in the generated output;
  • Provide enough context around each prompt – this will give GTP 3 a better understanding of what kind of output should be produced;
  • Test different variations of each prompt – this allows you experiment with different approaches until you find one which works best;

Review generated outputs before publishing them – while most automated systems produce accurate results occasionally mistakes occur so it’s always wise double check everything before releasing any content into production environments;

There are several tools available online which allow users to easily generate their own customised GPT-3 prompted texts. Some popular options include OpenAI’s API, TalkToTransformer, DeepAi Text Generator, and Botnik Studio among others. Each platform offers unique features designed specifically to help users craft effective prompting inputs in order to achieve desired outcomes from automated systems.


In conclusion, GPT-3 prompts are a powerful tool for small business owners and digital marketers to create content quickly and effectively. With the right knowledge of how to write good prompts, as well as tips on using them correctly, businesses can use GPT-3 prompts to generate valuable content that will help promote their online presence.

Additionally, there are various tools available such as gpt-3 prompt generators which can make creating effective GPT-3 prompts even easier. With these resources at your disposal, you should be able to leverage the power of GPT-3 prompts for your own benefit in no time.

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