How To Search On TikTok. Advanced Tactics for Beginners

TikTok has blown up in popularity over the past year, and with it has come to an influx of users who want to learn how to use this amazing app. If you're new to TikTok, don't worry — we have you covered! This guide on how to search on TikTok will help you navigate the app, find popular videos, create your content, and do everything else TikTok allows you to do. Follow these steps to learn how to search on TikTok today!


More and more people are starting to use TikTok not only for entertainment but also to search for information from real people. You, too, can get valuable and unique experiences from other people if you use the search on TikTok. For example, now if you want to find out the best places in the city you are going to travel to, just type in the search TikTok - the "best places for dinner" and the city name. You'll see real reviews from locals.

So today we are going to give you all the steps using which you will be able to find any information on the TikTok search bar.

To get started with your search:

  • Tap in a keyword into Titkok's search bar at the top of your main screen.

  • Type what you want to find. For example: "Best dressed"

  • Remember that you can only use one word (with no spaces or punctuation) if you want to narrow down your result. Using two or more words will ensure a wider range of content.

You can also search via hashtag:

  • By clicking it and then typing in a new keyword.

This is helpful if you want to search for specific types of content, such as reviews or beauty tutorials.


Tiktok is an app that gives you tons of stickers and other cool features. However, it can be difficult to find certain stickers and channels that are compatible with certain topics. The good news is that finding these stickers doesn't have to be a hassle—if you follow our step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to search on TikTok so you can get as many new sticker options as possible!

Steps to searching for TikTok stickers: To get started;

  • Go over to TikTok or open up any video in your camera roll.
  • Once you locate your desired clip or photo
  • Swipe right and select Stickers. This should then bring up another screen where you will see all available emoji on the left side of your screen.


First, you need to find out what kind of video you want. If you're looking for music or comedy, search comedy or music, and you should be set.

Next, click any tag under your search category. The tags are related to that type of video, but they will still give you many options. And if all else fails, use a different account because some accounts don't follow others back.


If you want to search for a user, try typing in their username. The app will then prompt you to select a username that matches what you've typed. For example, if I wanted to find Post Malone on TikTok, I would type Post Malone as my keyword (note: not a username). Then I would select Post Malone from the list of suggestions and click search. This might seem obvious, but keep in mind that many people forget to include punctuation or capitalization when searching for users. They can be beneficial tools when trying to find someone!

CONCLUSION: How to Search on TikTok

Using and searching on TIKTOK should get easier from here. The above post shows you how to use the search feature on TikTok and how to find specific accounts, hashtags, videos, etc. on Tiktok

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